22 July 2008

South Africa 2010

This is my first blog. So I thought I would write on something that is close to my heart. I grow up in South Africa during the apartheid years. The only sport facilities we had were a soccer field. We played soccer after school and during our sport periods. Following Local FPL soccer and European Soccer was our favorite pastime. Needless to say when it was time for the World Cup we were starved for information. The matches were never flighted on TV because of the FIFA ban and sanctions. For me growing up to watch the world cup live has always been a dream. When we lost the right to host the world cup in 2006 my heart cried as I felt cheated. However, when Sepp Blatter announced that 2010 was coming to South Africa I cried with Joy. I telephoned a colleague that was present at the announcement just to be part of the joy. The celebrations started and South Africa was once again on top of the world. The world was watching us again.

We are now in 2008, numerous problems like xenophobia, high inflation, Zimbabwe and violence in this wonderful country. Yet the LOC continue their work. South Africa will host the 2010 World Cup. We are plagued with negativity from certain corners of the market with comments like FIFA will take the World Cup away from South Africa. This country has hosted many successful events like the Rugby World Cup, the Cricket World Cup and many more international events. Progress on our infrastructure, stadiums and crime are progressing fast. Danny Jordaan and his team are doing a fantastic job.

I believe in this country, I believe we have the talent, I believe we have the courage, I believe we have the resources, I believe we have the will and most of all we have the people who will make it a successful World Cup.

I have yearned for a World Cup in this country for 40 years and nobody is going to deny me the right to see it live in my own country

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